Take Time to Smell the Sunflowers....

Happy Wednesday, Fashionistas!

Given all that's going on in our world today, (from the political climate, to each of us just doing our best to make ends meet), when's the last time you took a moment to 'stop and smell the roses'? (Scroll down for details about this look!)

This post is sponsored by StitchFix, & all images provided courtesy of Landell Original.

'When God made the color 'yellow' he was showing off'...

Last weekend, my photographer Ryan Landell mentioned to me that he wanted to travel out to shoot in a sunflower field near Commerce City, Colorado...

It was a lonnng drive on a dusty red dirt road, on a hot sunny day, so I was a bit skeptical of what we'd find when we got there. 

But, my goodness, when we pulled up and saw this gorgeous never-ending field of sunflowers? It instantly made my heart smile, and made the long trip ohhhh so worth it.

Standing there, in the middle of that quiet gorgeous field, I was reminded about how important it is to stop, quiet the chaos around you, and truly embrace the beauty of nature. Even if you only do it once in a while? It can truly be a restorative and healing process, and soooo good for the soul..

Immediately when I saw the field, I thought of that quote in "The Color Purple", about how it ticks God off if you walk by the color purple in a field and you don't acknowledge it's beauty... ;)

Click the image below to watch one of my fave quotes from that movie!

'More'n anything, God love admiration'...

-Shug Avery, Color Purple


...Look Details...

Dress: CityChic via StitchFix

Shoes & Sunglasses: Cira Ltd

Bag: Gianni Bernini

What do you think of this article, Fashionistas?

Have YOU taken time out to smell the flowers lately?

Sound off in the comments below. Would love to hear what you think of this look!

This post is sponsored by Stitch Fix. All pics courtesy of Landell Original.